01/04/21 - 06/05/21 (Week 1 - Week 6)
Design Research Dissertation
Project 1 - Draft Dissertation
Week 1 (01/04/2021)
For our first class for this module, Dr Hayati and Ms Jinchi gave us a short brief on the module information booklet. They explained to us regarding the projects and what to expect for this semester.
Project 1 - Draft Dissertation
Week 1 (01/04/21)
For the first week, we were required to create a matrix table as well as a table of contents for our draft dissertation. She reminded us the importance of creating a matrix table, it is to guide us for our literature review. In the matrix table, we need to include these categories:
1. Author's name
2. Article's name
3. Year of publication
4. Objective of article
5. Theme
6. Methodology
7. Keywords
8. Similarities & differences
Fig 1.1 Matrix table
After completing the matrix table, I moved on to creating the table of contents.
Fig 1.2 Table of contents (Draft)
General feedback: Students who deferred their semester last semester should do revision on the previous semester Research Methodology document. Instruction was given to using the reference embedded in the MIB.
Week 2 (08/04/21)
For this week, we were told to focus on our literature review draft. To start off with the draft, I transferred all of the necessary data collected from the previous research methodology. Below is my first draft:
Fig 1.3 Literature review (Draft)
Personal feedback: Dr Hayati suggested including the conclusion and differences for the literature review matrix. Dr Hayati also told me to structure the draft dissertation and migrate information from research methodology for section 1, 3 and 4.
General feedback: Progression sheet functions as a medium to track the weekly progress as well as the instruction is given by the lecturer. The information recorded will be useful information for the future blogging as well during the busy schedule in preparing the dissertation. Text that is copied from the articles which have not yet undergone complete reframing should be highlighted in red colour to avoid plagiarism. Reasons could be provided for each agreement and disagreement to show your critical writing ability.
Week 4 (22/04/21)
For week 4, students are required to start drafting of methodology writing based on the data information that had been planned and executed during the previous semester. To begin with, I import all necessary data from the previous research methodology paper into the first dissertation draft. After importing the data information from the previous methodology document, I started to reframe and reconstruct the methodology writing based on the writing format given by the lecturer.
From the examples that were provided in Microsoft Teams by Dr Hayati, I decided to draft my methodology using two formats as I was unsure which one to go for. Below is my first draft:
Fig 1.4 Methodology section (Draft)
After consulting with Dr Hayati, she advised me to go for the method first method.
Fig 1.5 Methodology and Findings (Final)
Week 5 (29/04/21)
- No class due to public holiday
To start with the writing, I referred to the recorded video as well as the additional reading materials in Microsoft Team and Google Classroom to ensure my writing method was proper and well structured. With the initial understanding of the analysis and discussion writing, I drafted the possible subtitles in the analysis and the discussion section, also referring back to the literature study and the findings to avoid missing the important information.
Week 6 (06/05/21) - Draft Dissertation Submission
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