14/04/2020 - xx/xx/20 (Week 1 - Week x)
Farissa Eryna Binti Shahar Sham
Advanced Typography





For our first project we were required to creatively and conceptually use visual and type in combination to create a key artwork to be used in collateral for the subsequent task down the line (*collateral design). The focus here is to use visual elements, and or graphical elements and the title (type) in an experimentive, impactful and visually attractive manner. The use of imagery must be, to a degree, subservient or of similar importance, with the title (in terms of visual hierarchy).

The document size is: 50 x 70 cm

As we could choose between three titles, I chose 'Russian Constructivism and Graphic Design".

Here are the event details:

The Design School,
Taylor's University

Open Public Lectures: Lecture Theatre 12

November 24 2020
Lew Pik Svenn, 9-10 am
Ezrene Mohd, 10-11 am
Suzy Sulaiman, 11-12 pm

November 25 2020
Muthu Neduraman, 9-10am
Fahmi Reza, 10-11 am
Fahmi Fadzil 11-12 pm

To start off with the project, I sketched out a few of my ideas and wrote down a few notes regarding the title I chose.

Fig 1.1 Notes (Russian Constructivism movement)

Fig 1.2 & 1.3 Sketches; Layouts

Fig 1.4 Sketches; Layouts

After the sketches, I started the digitizing process of this project. 

Fig 1.5 & 1.6 Attempt 1 
Fig 1.7 & 1.8 Attempt 2

Fig 1.9 & 1.10 Attempt 3

Mr Vinod said the Fig 1.14 looks okay but I still have a long way to go. However I decided to create a few more key artwork drafts because the attempts above are like posters.

Fig 1.11 Key artwork; attempt 6

Fig 1.16 Key artwork; narrowed down to 3 designs

After getting some feedback, Mr Vinod and Shamsul likes the top left design the most. However, I need to work on the alignment of the words. 
Fig 1.17 Draft 1; Different alignment for the word 'constructivism' and 'and'.
Fig 1.18 Draft 2; Different alignment for the word 'constructivism' and 'and'.

Draft 3;  Different alignment for the word 'constructivism' and 'and'.

After a few drafts, this is the end result.
Fig 1.17 Key artwork; Final

Week 6 (19/05/2020)
General feedback: Sketch out our ideas and our key artwork should be in black and white.
Specific feedback: My designs look more like a poster. I should try to make a logo instead. However, I can work on the third design further but I still have a long way to go.

Week 7 (26/05/2020)
No class due to public holiday. 

Week 8 (01/06/2020)
General feedback: We can start working on the poster. The pt size needs to be between 8-10pt for the body text. Specific feedback: Three of the designs are interesting. The first one looks great but the alignment needs to be improved. Mr Shamsul said the first one is nice and the spacing will make the placement of the body texts for the poster easier. However the third design looks great as well but the first design is stronger than the third one.


Week 6; I took quite some time to design the key artwork but I really liked working on it. However i was quite lost and confused on how to create the artwork because I was unsure what a 'key artwork' had to look like. 
Week 7; No class due to public holiday.
Week 8; It was really nice to hear some good feedback after working on my second draft of my key artwork. For this week's class, we tried a different approach for the feedback session which is to use Facebook to post our works. 

Week 6; I did some research on 'Russian Constructivism and Graphic Design' before working on the key artwork. I found that this movement uses a lot of diagonal elements and include the color red and black quite often. 
Week 7; No class due to public holiday.
Week 8; It is quite fun to work on the layout and see that I could apply the things I've learned from previous exercises into our projects. 

Week 6; I can see that a lot of my classmates are facing the same issue which is designing a key artwork instead of a poster. 
Week 7; No class due to public holiday.
Week 8; I noticed a few of the key artworks tend to look very similar to each other during the feedback session. However, some of my classmates' work were really interesting and great. 


Design School Type: A Practical Guide for Students and Designers

I read only a section of this book which is chapter 6. This section of the book exposed us to the works of both students and leading graphic designers from around the world which allows us to examine how they have applied the fundamental principles of type to their work. The book hopes that these visual references can later help novice practitioners to explore new concepts and achieve greater power. Below are some of the pages of this section.
